Scuba Diving Vacations for the 'new' diver or the 'old' diver

There's a lot to consider when learning to dive on vacation. From the "where" to the "how much," we are here to help you plan your certification while on vacation.

Dive Planning – It was an integral part of your certification course and it doesn’t stop there.  The same careful and concise dive vacation planning is important and that’s where we come in. Your hard-earned diving dollars will go further and your enjoyment will be much greater if you let a dive planning specialist guide you. Here are some of the factors we keep in mind while helping you to plan a dive vacation to your favourite island or the dream of a lifetime experience on the other side of the world! 

Benefits of using an experienced dive planning specialist.

1. Increased enjoyment of your dive trip.

Last-minute or ineffective planning can result in increased anxiety. Let us take care of the details for you.

2. Identify your dive vacation goals.

What kind of diving do you want to do? Is there a particular site that interests you? Are there other things you want to do or see when you are not diving?

3. Good planning can help you save money.

Let us research locations, activities, and accommodations. Leverage our close relationship with dive operators around the world.

4. Planning can help to ensure the quality of your diving and accommodations.

Planning will help ensure you get the hotels and dive operations you want

How we plan your vacation

1. We know all of the latest information available. Even if you have been to a location before, things can change. The hotel or charter that you used last time may not still be there or may be under new ownership.

2. What kind of diving are you looking for?

If you are flexible, your choices will be much broader. On the other hand, if you are specifically looking for drift diving, wreck diving, spearfishing, etc.., we will choose a location that meets these desires.

3. Plan Early

The widely accepted norm is that you should plan approximately 4-18 months in advance depending on how far away the destination is. 

Things we consider when we recommend a destination to you are:

- What kind of accommodations are available and what are they like?

- What type of dive boats does the operator have and how many divers do they carry?

- Are there medical facilities nearby, and how far is the nearest recompression chamber?

- What kind of air fill system is used and is the air quality checked?

- What brands and types of equipment can be bought, rented, and serviced?

- Are the dives guided or independently planned with a buddy?

- What are the diving depths at this location?

- What is the visibility and water temperature for the time of year you are visiting?

- What should you expect to see on your dives?

- Are instructors available for a class you would like to complete?

- Are cameras and/or video equipment available for rent?

- Do the boats carry oxygen and first aid kits?

- Are there specific policies concerning the use of dive computers?

- Is nitrox available?

- How far is the hotel from the dive boat?

- How long are the boat rides to the sites?

- When is the best time of year to visit this location?

In addition to planning your travel, you should determine what you will need to take with you.  Make a list (and check it twice) of dive equipment, spare parts, clothes, and other personal items. Another MUST in our book is Travel Protection Insurance and Dive Insurance. Many think that they are the same thing and they do some overlaps but we recommend both for additional peace of mind.

By carefully planning your dive vacation, you will have that extra assurance that you are getting the best value and most enjoyment out of those diving dollars. If this sounds like a lot of legwork, it is! So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start planning!